Thursday, May 8, 2014

New SEO Rules: Content That People Share

Many years ago, moving up in the search ladder is relatively easy and online marketing is a breeze. Now it's a different story, many seo companies build their seo services based from the idea of fear. Many small business owners fear that their website will get hit by the new google updates (Fear marketing oh no!).

That is where Content Marketing was born, out of fear. It is the new trend which I find really good and will actually benefit the internet users.

There's also a difference with Content Marketing in 2002 compared to the content that is being syndicated now, Google's algorithm and the internet users are constantly changing.

Let's compare the two: (Please see illustrations below)

If you will notice the many of the content publishers today leverage on quality content that provides value to their target audience and the end result will be their content is more likely to be shared in social media thus giving them more exposure becaus of the viral components of those popular social networking sites such as facebook, Twitter, Google plus, Pinterest etc...

Based on the data coming from our bloggers and publishers they are seeing a good amount of social traffic that even exceeds that from search engines. But still Google gets 100 billion searches every month, so it is not wise to ignore search entirely. (Reference: Search Engine Watch)

So, how will you go about being search engine friendly while maintaining social media best practices?

CEO of SEOMoz, Rand Fishkin talks about those in his blog, the five best practices for content marketers.

Maximising Organic Search Value in an ethical way?

1. Do a keyword research first before getting your feet wet in creating content, so you can avoid wasting your time writing about things that does not appeal to your audience.

2. Create content for your target audience, remember content is king.

3. Your content should be in a same domain (e.g. do not host it on

4. Make your content interesting, try to read other blogs first from there tyou will have a feel of what your target audience is keen on.

5. Stick to your brand, seperating your brand from your content is not a good idea, since you are building your authority.

In addition to that, you might want to invite authorities in your niche and publishers to guest post in your website to diversify your content and boost social signals, for sure they'll be sharing their content in their social accounts.

Lastly, let me know what you think and share your ideas here

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